Open Positions
ID: DPS-Job-33
Position: 4 postdoc positions in Applied Mathematics
University: University of Wuppertal, DE
Department: School of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Deadline: January 20th, 2025
Description: The PIs of the freshly approved Collaborative Research Center CRC 1701 “Port-Hamiltonian Systems” are delighted to announce 4 postdoc positions starting from April 2025 for a duration of 3 years and 9 months. We are centered in Wuppertal (North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany) with collaborators at Berlin, Chemnitz, Ilmenau and Trier.
We are searching for highly motivated postdocs working on port-Hamiltonian systems and related fields. You can look forward to an excellent research environment and a vibrant interdisciplinary community.
We are happy to receive your application. Please consider job announcement in the link below for detailed information and the application process.
Contact: Prof. Dr. Birgit Jacob, bjacob at
Announcement: Application information
Past Positions
ID: DPS-Job-34
Position: Postdoctoral position at University of Waterloo
University: University of Waterloo, Canada
Department: Department of Applied Mathematics
Deadline: January 15th, 2025
Description: Professor Roberto Guglielmi (Applied Mathematics) at the University of Waterloo invites applications for a Postdoctoral position in his research group.
We are looking for a postdoctoral researcher with expertise in mathematical control theory for Partial Differential Equations (PDEs). The candidate is expected to be able to contribute to the research directions of the DySCO Lab, in particular on the connection between stochastic and deterministic optimal control for infinite dimensional systems.
The position is guaranteed for one year, with possible extension subject to funding availability. Interested applicants must apply through the Department of Applied Mathematics Mathjobs advertisement
stating Roberto Guglielmi as possible supervisor.
Contact: For any questions or further information, please contact Roberto Guglielmi rguglielmi -a-
Announcement: Application information
ID: DPS-Job-32
Position: Postdoctoral positions at University of Waterloo
University: University of Waterloo, Canada
Department: Department of Applied Mathematics
Deadline: January 15th, 2025
Description: Several post-doctoral positions are available at the University of Waterloo in control & estimation of PDEs. Possible projects include
- machine-learning methods for control & estimation
-sensor location and estimation, with a focus on gas & water networks
-partial differential algebraic equations
-port-Hamiltonian systems
The appointment will be initially for one year, with possibility of renewal for a second year, subject to satisfactory performance and funding availability. Candidates must have completed their PhD no earlier than five years prior to the start date of the proposed Fellowship. (The window of eligibility can be extended if the applicant had their career interrupted due to parental leave, illness of a family member or oneself, and/or any other critical life events e.g., war, conflicts and natural disasters.)
Interested applicants must apply through the Department of Applied Mathematics Mathjobs advertisement
stating Kirsten Morris as possible supervisor.
Contact: For any questions or further information, please contact Kirsten Morris
Announcement: Application information
ID: DPS-Job-31
Position: Postdoctoral position at Universidad de Deusto
University: University of Deusto, Spain
Department: Chair of Computational Mathematics
Deadline: January 7th, 2025
Description: The University of Deusto in the ERC Advanced Grant CoDeFeL project framework invites applications for one (01) open postdoctoral research position at the ERC CoDeFeL, Control for Deep and Federated Learning project.
We are looking for a postdoctoral researcher specialized in high level experience in Control mathematics and Machine Learning and proven experience in Partial Differential Equations and Numerical Analysis as well as computational skills to develop computational codes.
The successful candidate will work at the forefront of new mathematical challenges working on the development of new tools with a solid mathematical foundation suitable for data-aware/physics-inspired modelling, combining machine learning and control theoretical ideas, motivated by significant applications in health care, autonomous driving and internet recommendation systems.
In particular, CoDeFeL seeks to make a breakthrough that takes the mathematical foundations of Machine Learning beyond their present frontiers, through the systematic development of new ideas and methods inspired by control theory. The project is developed by the “Chair for Dynamics, Control, Machine Learning, and Numerics" – Alexander von Humboldt Professorship in cooperation with the Chair of Computational Mathematics of the University of Deusto in Bilbao, Basque Country, Spain led by Enrique Zuazua.
Contact: For any questions or further information, please contact us at
Announcement: Application information
ID: DPS-Job-30
Position: Open PhD position at Universidad de Deusto
University: University of Deusto, Spain
Department: Chair of Computational Mathematics
Deadline: January 15th, 2025
Description: The University of Deusto in the ERC Advanced Grant CoDeFeL project framework invites applications for one (01) open doctoral research position at the ERC CoDeFeL, Control for Deep and Federated Learning project.
We are looking for a doctoral researcher specialized in Control and/or mathematics and /or Machine Learning and knowledge in Partial Differential Equations and Numerical Analysis as well as computational skills to develop computational coding.
In particular, CoDeFeL seeks to make a breakthrough that takes the mathematical foundations of Machine Learning beyond their present frontiers, through the systematic development of new ideas and methods inspired by control theory. The project is developed by the “Chair for Dynamics, Control, Machine Learning, and Numerics" – Alexander von Humboldt Professorship in cooperation with the Chair of Computational Mathematics of the University of Deusto in Bilbao, Basque Country, Spain led by Enrique Zuazua.
Contact: For any questions or further information, please contact us at
Announcement: Application information
ID: DPS-Job-29
Position: Two open PostDoc positions at FAU DCN-AvH
University: Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany
Department: Chair for Dynamics, Control, Machine Learning and Numerics
Deadline: January 15th, 2025
Description: The “Chair for Dynamics, Control, Machine Learning, and Numerics – Alexander von Humboldt Professorship (FAU DCN-AvH),” led by Professor Enrique Zuazua, invites applications for three (03) open postdoctoral positions. The positions are aimed at individuals with a strong background in Partial Differential Equations, Control and Machine Learning, and their Numerical Analysis and Computational counterparts.
Contact: For any questions or further information, please contact us at
Announcement: Application information
ID: DPS-Job-28
Position: 14 PhD positions in Applied Mathematics
University: University of Wuppertal, DE
Department: School of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Deadline: January 6th, 2025
Description: The PIs of the freshly approved Collaborative Research Center CRC 1701 “Port-Hamiltonian Systems” are delighted to announce 14 doctoral student positions starting from April 2025 for a duration of 3 years and 9 months. We are centered in Wuppertal (North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany) with collaborators at Berlin, Chemnitz, Ilmenau and Trier.
We are searching for highly motivated students, preferably with a background in continuous optimization, functional analysis, multiobjective optimization, numerical analysis, programming / implementation, stochastic analysis, or control theory. You can look forward to an excellent research environment and a vibrant interdisciplinary community.
We are happy to receive your application. Please consider for detailed information and the application process.
Contact: Prof. Dr. Birgit Jacob, bjacob at
Announcement: Application information
ID: DPS-Job-27
Position: Tenure Track Professor in Analysis of PDEs
University: Tampere University, Finland
Department: Mathematics
Deadline: October 7th, 2024
Description: The Mathematics unit at Tampere University invites applications for an Assistant/Associate/Full Professor in Mathematics (Tenure Track). We are seeking candidates with an excellent track record in the area of Mathematical Analysis, especially Analysis of Partial Differential Equations.
Further details, requirements, and instructions to apply, are available through the announcement link.
More information on the Tampere University Mathematics unit is available at
Contact: For further information, please contact Lassi Paunonen lassi.paunonen [ä]
Announcement: Application information
ID: DPS-Job-26
Position: Postdoctoral position in the Conduction project
University: University of Dubrovnik, Croatia
Deadline: As soon as possible
Description: The candidate will work on problems related to the Work packages 1 and 2 of the Conduction project (Optimal control problems for evolution systems. Spectral analysis of Gramian operators, Lyapunov and Riccati equation). See the announcement link for details. Special intention will be given to interactions among control theory and machine learning. He/she will be expected to work effectively within the project team, to have the ability to develop and apply new concepts, to write numerical codes and run the simulations, as well as to write clearly and concisely for publication.
Contact: For additional information feel free to reach out to
Announcement: Application information
ID: DPS-Job-25
Position: PhD position on Analysis of infinite-dimensional port-Hamiltonian systems
University: University of Wuppertal, DE
Department: School of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Deadline: July 15th, 2024
Description: Independent research activity in the context of a doctorate in the field of analysis of infinite-
dimensional port-Hamiltonian systems. Possible topics: Splitting methods and dynamic iteration, well-posedness and stability of systems with damping, as well as control strategies for interacting particle systems at particle and meanfield level.
Professional and personal requirements:
- Completed university degree (Master or comparable) in mathematics
- Sound knowledge of functional analysis and operator theory is required
- Knowledge of mathematical system theory and port-Hamiltonian systems is desirable
- Sound knowledge of LaTeX is required
Contact: Prof. Dr. Birgit Jacob, bjacob at
Announcement: Application information
ID: DPS-Job-24
Position: Two PhD positions in control of distributed parameter transport systems
University: Technical University of Crete, Chania, Greece
Department: Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Deadline: Review of applications starts June 15, 2024
Description: One PhD position is available in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Technical University of Crete, Chania, Greece. The work will be conducted in the Control Systems Group, under the supervision of Prof. Nikolaos Bekiaris-Liberis.
The position is funded by the European Research Council (ERC) and the researcher will work on the ERC Consolidator Grant C-NORA; see for more details. The anticipated starting date is by Fall 2024.
The researcher should hold a diploma in Electrical/Computer or Mechanical Engineering or Mathematics/Physics or related field. A MS degree in control engineering or applied mathematics or related field is not a prerequisite, but it is highly desirable. In particular, the PhD researcher should have strong mathematical background on ODE/PDE dynamic systems and/or functional/numerical analysis, as well as strong control-theoretic background and research interests. Good programming abilities are also required.
The potential candidates should apply sending to bekiaris-liberis [a] i) a CV, ii) copy of diplomas and transcripts, iii) names and email addresses of two potential referees, and iv) a brief statement of their research interests and how these are related to the research topics of the project (see for more details).
Contact: Prof. Nikolaos Bekiaris-Liberis, email bekiaris-liberis [a]
Announcement: Application information
ID: DPS-Job-23
Position: Postdoc position at CNR and UniGe, Italy
University: University of Genoa
Department: Institute of Marine Engineering
Deadline: April 29th, 2024
Description: Open postdoc position at the National Research Council of Italy in Genova, within the research project “Optimal Robust Shape Control for Distributed Parameter Systems”. The initial duration of the position is 1 year, with possibility of renewals. The application deadline is on April 29, 2024. Future additional positions will be open in the next months at the University of Genoa within the same project framework.
The candidates should have preferably obtained a PhD degree, but candidate just having got the MSc degree may be considered.
We are looking for a Postdoctoral researcher related to the PRIN 2022 research project “Optimal Robust Shape Control for Distributed Parameter Systems”, funded by the Italian Ministry of University and Research. The main research themes of the project are modeling, control, and optimization of Distributed Parameter Systems, with particular regards to systems describing the evolution over time and space of fronts or interfaces modeled by level set methods. The precise focus of the research can be decided based on the background and interests of the candidates.
Previous research experience and skills in either (1) control of Distributed Parameter Systems or PDEs, (2) optimization techniques, (3) modeling techniques of new application case studies, (4) software programming are considered an advantage, but all candidates familiar with the general research area are encouraged to apply.
Contact: For further information, please contact Prof. Mauro Gaggero,
Announcement: Application information
ID: DPS-Job-22
Position: Open PhD positions at FAU DCN-AvH
University: Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany
Department: Chair for Dynamics, Control, Machine Learning and Numerics
Deadline: February 29th, 2024
Description: The “Chair for Dynamics, Control, Machine Learning, and Numerics – Alexander von Humboldt Professorship (FAU DCN-AvH),” led by Professor Enrique Zuazua, invites applications for one (01) open PhD position. The position is aimed at individuals with a strong background in Partial Differential Equations, Control and Machine Learning, and their Numerical Analysis and Computational counterparts.
Contact: For any questions or further information, please contact us at
Announcement: Application information
ID: DPS-Job-21
Position: Three open PostDoc positions at FAU DCN-AvH
University: Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany
Department: Chair for Dynamics, Control, Machine Learning and Numerics
Deadline: February 29th, 2024
Description: The “Chair for Dynamics, Control, Machine Learning, and Numerics – Alexander von Humboldt Professorship (FAU DCN-AvH),” led by Professor Enrique Zuazua, invites applications for three (03) open postdoctoral positions. The positions are aimed at individuals with a strong background in Partial Differential Equations, Control and Machine Learning, and their Numerical Analysis and Computational counterparts.
Contact: For any questions or further information, please contact us at
Announcement: Application information
ID: DPS-Job-20
Position: Research associate
University: TU Ilmenau, Germany
Department: Department of Mathematics and Natural Sciences in the group System Theory and Partial Differential Equations
Deadline: As soon as possible
Description: In the group "System Theory and Partial Differential Equations", intensive research is conducted on the analysis and mathematical aspects of control and regulation of differential-algebraic and partial differential equation systems, particularly concerning mechanics and electrodynamics. The position is situated within the project "Adaptive Control of Coupled Rigid and Flexible Multibody Systems with Port-Hamiltonian Structure" funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG). The goal here is the analysis and systems theoretic treatment of coupled systems comprising differential-algebraic and partial differential equations that arise in multibody dynamics. This project involves collaboration with engineering institutes. This is a qualification position in line with the Academic Fixed-Term Contract Act (WissZeitVG) for advanced academic training. For doctoral candidates this position aimed at supporting a doctoral process in the field of mathematical system theory. The position is limited for the duration of the doctoral process, depending on the qualifications achieved thus far but typically for a period of 3 years. The position should be part-time (75% of working hours). For postdoctoral researchers, this is a qualification position, typically for a duration of 3 years, designed to contribute to qualification for an academic career path. The position should be full-time (100% of working hours).
Contact: For further information, please contact Timo Reis at
Announcement: Application information
ID: DPS-Job-19
Position: Scientific Research Associate
University: University of Paderborn, Germany
Department: Faculty of Computer Science, Electrical Engineering and Mathematics – Institute for Mathematics
Deadline: December 20th, 2023
Description: We seek a highly qualified individual to work on research projects in the working group "Systems Theory". The group extensively investigates the control of dynamical systems. In particular, nonlinear systems, interconnected systems and partial differential equations are considered, which arise in the modeling of problems from applications such as multibody systems or autonomous driving. The position is within the project "Adaptive control of coupled rigid and flexible multibody systems with port-Hamiltonian structure", funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation).
Contact: For further information, please contact Thomas Berger at
Announcement: Application information
ID: DPS-Job-18
Position: Postdoctoral Research and Teaching Associate position
University: University of Georgia, GA, USA
Department: Mathematics
Deadline: December 1st, 2023
Description: The Department of Mathematics at the University of Georgia seeks highly qualified candidates to fill a Postdoctoral Research and Teaching Associate position with an anticipated start date of January 2024. This particular position is mainly supported by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR) grant FA9550-23-1-0675, Hybrid Control and Estimation of Semi-Dissipative Systems: Analysis, Computation, and Machine Learning, and will be supervised by Professor Weiwei Hu. This is a teaching and research-track position with a term of up to 3 years and a maximum teaching load of 2 three-hour semester long courses per year.
Competitive applicants should have experience working in one or more
of the following areas:
- mathematical control theory
- optimization
- numerical solutions of PDEs
- computation and machine learning
and/or related topics. Candidates should demonstrate great promise in research and evidence of strong teaching.
A Ph.D., or equivalent foreign degree, in Mathematics or a related field preceding the start date of appointment is required. Complete applications (including letters of recommendation) must be received by December 1, 2023 to ensure full consideration, but review will continue until the position is filled.
Contact: For further information, please contact Weiwei Hu at
Announcement: Application information
ID: DPS-Job-17
Position: Open PhD position
University: CNRS, CentraleSupélec, Université Paris Saclay, France
Department: Laboratoire des signaux et systèmes
Deadline: As soon as possible
Description: We are looking for a PhD student. In this thesis project, we consider networks composed of interconnected elementary hyperbolic subsystems. These different hyperbolic subsystems correspond to one-dimensional linear balance law systems. They are called elementary in the sense that when taken alone, we know how to design stabilizing control laws. The different subsystems are connected through their boundaries. Thus, a network of hyperbolic systems can be described as a graph. For instance, each elementary hyperbolic subsystem can be identified with an edge of a given graph. At the same time, interactions between the PDEs occur at the graph’s vertices.
This thesis topic mainly requires good skills in control systems and mathematics (Grandes Ecoles or Master in mathematics/control). Very good results in the engineering curriculum as well as expertise in the topics related to automatic and partial differential equations, will constitute strengths to the proposed subject. The proposed subject shall lead to the acquisition of strong theoretical skills in the field of control of systems described by partial differential equations. In particular, the candidate shall become familiar with the modeling of dynamical systems, with control design, hyperbolic equations, graph theory, and numerical or experimental implementation. The candidate shall also become familiar with Julia, Matlab, or Python (numerical methods, simulations).
Contact: For further information, please contact Jean Auriol or Lucas Brivadis
Announcement: Application information
ID: DPS-Job-16
Position: Open PhD position
University: Otto von Guericke Universität Magdeburg, Germany.
Deadline: August 4th, 2023
Description: We are looking for a PhD candidate for joint work on a 3-years project on LPV approximations of nonlinear systems for controller design.
The basic idea is to design linear-parameter varying approximations of nonlinear systems, add some model order reduction and control theory, and develop a general purpose method for nonlinear feedback control of large-scale or even infinite-dimensional systems.
This project has received its funding from the DFG which in particular means that we can rely on a well-outlined, positively reviewed and promising path to success.
A successful candidate comes with a master degree in math or in a related field and with basic knowledge or sound interest in one or more of the fields systems and control, differential equations, numerical linear algebra, or modelling and simulation of dynamical systems.
Optionally, the candidate can get associated with our research training group *MathCoRe* or with the CSC department of the *MPI of Dynamics of Complex Technical Systems*, Magdeburg, and become an integral part of these lively research environments with currently around 24 PhD students.
Contact: For further information, please contact Jan Heiland at jan.heiland(at)
Announcement: Application information
ID: DPS-Job-15
Position: Open Postdoc position at Tampere University
University: Tampere University, Finland
Department: Systems Theory Reseach Group, Mathematics
Deadline: September 4th, 2023
Description: The Systems Theory Research Group is looking for a Postdoctoral researcher related to the project "Stability and Control of Hyperbolic Partial Differential Equations" funded by the Academy of Finland. The main research themes of the project are (1) development of control design methods for output tracking and disturbance rejection of nonlinear Distributed Parameter Systems and controlled PDEs, and (2) development of new tools for stability analysis of selected classes of PDE models, especially damped wave and plate equations, with special emphasis on non-uniform stability and rational rates of energy decay. The precise focus of the postdoctoral research can be decided based on your background and interests.
The position requires research experience and skills in either (1) control of Distributed Parameter Systems or PDEs, (2) functional analysis and operator theory, (3) analysis of PDEs, or a topic which is directly applicable to the research within the project. Expertise in either (1) stability theory of strongly continuous semigroups, (2) boundary control of PDEs, or (3) internal model control of Distributed Parameter Systems, is considered an advantage, but all candidates familiar with the general research area are encouraged to apply.
Contact: For further information, please contact Lassi Paunonen lassi.paunonen [ä]
Announcement: Application information
ID: DPS-Job-14
Position: Open PhD positions at FAU DCN-AvH
University: Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany
Department: Chair for Dynamics, Control, Machine Learning and Numerics
Deadline: July 1st, 2023
Description: At the "Chair for Dynamics, Control, Machine Learning and Numerics - Alexander von Humboldt Professorship" (FAU DCN-AvH) at FAU, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg we welcome applications to several PostDoc positions on the topics:
-Machine Learning and Control Theory
-Long-time asymptotics of partial differential equations (PDE)
-Numerical analysis of PDE
-Control and Optimal Design
-PDEs in networks
Contact: For any questions or further information, please contact us at
Announcement: Application information
ID: DPS-Job-13
Position: Open PostDoc positions at FAU DCN-AvH
University: Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany
Department: Chair for Dynamics, Control, Machine Learning and Numerics
Deadline: July 1st, 2023
Description: At the "Chair for Dynamics, Control, Machine Learning and Numerics - Alexander von Humboldt Professorship" (FAU DCN-AvH) at FAU, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg we welcome applications to several PostDoc positions on the topics:
-Machine Learning and Control Theory
-Long-time asymptotics of partial differential equations (PDE)
-Numerical analysis of PDE
-Control and Optimal Design
-PDEs in networks
Contact: For any questions or further information, please contact us at
Announcement: Application information
ID: DPS-Job-12
Position: 9 PhD positions in the ModConFlex project (joint advertisement)
University: Multiple universities (Wuppertal (DE), Twente (NL), Erlangen (DE), Bordeaux (FR), Tel Aviv (IL), Besancon (FR)).
Deadline: See the link
Description: Within the prestigious EU’s Horizon Europe Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions programme, the ModConFlex project will bring together 17 academic and industrial partners across Europe and Israel to boost the career of doctoral candidates by forming a doctoral training programme to prepare the next generation of researchers on the modelling and control of flexible structures interacting with fluids (water and air). The academia-industry consortium will make important contributions to control theory, AI and energy-based modelling within the context of flexible structures in fluid environments.
To find out more about the job offers for researchers not holding a PhD, please visit the call link. There you will find information on the project, the individual job offers and different universities as well as the application and contact details.
Contact: Prof. Dr. Birgit Jacob, bjacob at
Announcement: Application information
ID: DPS-Job-11
Position: Multiple postdoc positions at MIT
University: Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Department: Department of Chemical Engineering
Deadline: As soon as possible, no fixed deadline.
Description: Multiple postdoc positions are open in the research laboratory of Richard Braatz to do research on the integrated continuous manufacturing of mRNA-based biotherapeutics. The positions are open in mechanistic modeling and systems and control of distributed parameter systems, which collectively span the responsibilities of (1) designing advanced control systems for continuous mRNA manufacturing, including model predictive control of the end-to-end manufacturing system while taking disturbances and model uncertainties into account; and (2) building mechanistic models and control systems for multiphase flow-based nanoparticle formation.
For the nanoparticle formation, the models will be constructed for a process involving multiple liquid streams containing multiple components that impinge on each other in laminar or highly turbulent flow to create a nanoemulsion in a confined environment. The modeling for the nanodroplets that are formed will then model the transition of the nanodroplets into the formation of solid lipid nanoparticles. The controls for that project will be for the characteristics of the nanoparticles.
REQUIRED: Ph.D. in the area of mechanistic modeling or systems and control. The position is open for engineers from any discipline, including from chemical, mechanical, and electrical engineering.
This is a sponsored research position for the period of one year with the possibility of an extension.
Contact: Professor Richard D. Braatz, braatz [a], and Professor Allan Myerson.
Announcement: Application information
ID: DPS-Job-10
Position: Postdoc position in control of delay systems with application to vehicular platoons
University: Technical University of Crete, Chania, Greece
Department: Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Deadline: As soon as possible, no fixed deadline.
Description: One postdoc position is available in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, at Technical University of Crete, Chania, Greece. The work will be conducted in the Control Systems Laboratory, under the supervision of Prof. Nikolaos Bekiaris-Liberis. The position is funded by the Hellenic Foundation of Research and Innovation. The researcher can start as soon as possible.
The postdoctoral researcher will conduct research in adaptive/learning control of delay systems with application to control of platoons of connected/automated vehicles. The successful candidates should be motivated and committed to perform research independently, collaborate with the members of the research group, as well as be actively involved in departmental activities.
The postdoctoral researcher should hold a PhD degree in control engineering or applied mathematics or a closely related area. In particular, the postdoctoral researcher should have strong research background and interest in at least one of the following i) nonlinear and adaptive/learning control, ii) control of delay systems, iii) control of vehicular systems/platoons. Good programming abilities are also desirable.
The potential candidates should apply sending to bekiaris-liberis [a] i) a CV, ii) copy of diplomas and transcripts, iii) names and email addresses of two potential referees, and iv) a brief statement of their research interests and how these are related to the aforementioned research topics.
Contact: Prof. Nikolaos Bekiaris-Liberis, email bekiaris-liberis [a]
Announcement: Application information
ID: DPS-Job-9
Position: Two PhD positions in control of distributed parameter transport systems
University: Technical University of Crete, Chania, Greece
Department: Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Deadline: As soon as possible, no fixed deadline.
Description: Two PhD positions are available in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, at Technical University of Crete, Chania, Greece. The work will be conducted in the Control Systems Laboratory, under the supervision of Prof. Nikolaos Bekiaris-Liberis.
The positions are funded by the European Research Council (ERC) and the researchers will work on the ERC Consolidator Grant C-NORA (see for more details). The anticipated starting date is October 1st 2023.
The researchers should hold a diploma in Electrical/Computer or Mechanical Engineering or Mathematics/Physics or related field. A MS degree in control engineering or applied mathematics or related field is not a prerequisite, but it is highly desirable. In particular, the PhD researchers should have strong mathematical background on ODE/PDE dynamic systems and/or functional/numerical analysis, as well as strong control-theoretic background and research interest. Good programming abilities are also required.
The potential candidates should apply sending to bekiaris-liberis [a] i) a CV, ii) copy of diplomas and transcripts, iii) names and email addresses of two potential referees, and iv) a brief statement of their research interests and how these are related to the aforementioned research topics.
Contact: Prof. Nikolaos Bekiaris-Liberis, email bekiaris-liberis [a]
Announcement: Application information
ID: DPS-Job-8
Position: Two postdoc positions in control of distributed parameter transport systems
University: Technical University of Crete, Chania, Greece
Department: Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Deadline: As soon as possible, no fixed deadline.
Description: Two postdoc positions are available in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, at Technical University of Crete, Chania, Greece. The work will be conducted in the Control Systems Laboratory, under the supervision of Prof. Nikolaos Bekiaris-Liberis.
The positions are funded by the European Research Council (ERC) and the researchers will work on the ERC Consolidator Grant C-NORA (see for more details). The anticipated starting date is October 1st 2023.
The postdoctoral researchers will conduct research in control theory, related to control of distributed parameter systems and their applications to epidemics and blood transport. The successful candidates should be motivated and committed to perform research independently, collaborate with the members of the research group, as well as be actively involved in departmental activities.
The postdoctoral researchers should hold a PhD degree in control engineering or applied mathematics or a closely related area. In particular, the postdoctoral researchers should have strong research background and interest in at least one of the following i) control of distributed parameter systems, including delay systems, ii) control of nonlinear switched/hybrid systems, iii) numerical analysis, including traffic flow modeling/control, and iv) fluid dynamics, preferably control of fluid flows. Good programming abilities are also required.
The potential candidates should apply sending to bekiaris-liberis [a] i) a CV, ii) copy of diplomas and transcripts, iii) names and email addresses of two potential referees, and iv) a brief statement of their research interests and how these are related to the aforementioned research topics.
Contact: Prof. Nikolaos Bekiaris-Liberis, email bekiaris-liberis [a]
Announcement: Application information
ID: DPS-Job-7
Position: Postdoc at DASEL project (24 months)
University: University of Deusto, Bilbao - Basque Country, Spain
Department: Chair of Computational Mathematics
Deadline: March 3rd, 2023
Description: The aim of DASEL (Data science and electric networks) project is to develop data driven modelling, simulation and control methodologies for electrical networks. One of its goals is to contribute to the integration of distributed generation systems of renewable origin such as photovoltaic, wind or hydroelectric energy, which represent a priority strategic objective for a more sustainable society of the future.
The main research fields covered by DASEL are: Partial Differential Equations, Control Systems, Numerical Analysis, Scientific Computing, Neural network, Machine Learning
Contact: Prof. Enrique Zuazua
Announcement: Application information
ID: DPS-Job-6
Position: 2 PhD positions on Analysis and Control of nD flexible systems
University: University of Wuppertal, DE
Department: School of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Deadline: As soon as possible, but by March 31st, 2023
Description: Within the prestigious EU’s Horizon Europe Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions programme, the ModConFlex project will bring together 17 academic and industrial partners across Europe and Israel to boost the career of doctoral candidates by forming a doctoral training programme to prepare the next generation of researchers on the modelling and control of flexible structures interacting with fluids (water and air). The academia-industry consortium will make important contributions to control theory, AI and energy-based modelling within the context of flexible structures in fluid environments.
In the Functional Analysis Group at Wuppertal University there are two PhD positions (full time positions for 36 month) to be filled working on Analysis and Control of flexible systems. A port-Hamiltonian operator theoretial approach will be used to analyse well-posedness, stability and system theoretical properties of 2D (semilinear) mechanical structures.
Contact: Prof. Dr. Birgit Jacob, bjacob at
Announcement: Application information
ID: DPS-Job-5
Position: PhD studentship in Data-Driven Modelling and Control (DTNModConFlex)
University: Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany
Department: Chair of Dynamics, Control, and Numerics
Deadline: April 28th, 2023
Description: We invite applications for a 36-month PhD studentship in the context of the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Doctoral-Training-Network (DTN) “ModConFlex”. The network brings together 17 academic and industrial partners across Europe with the goal of developing novel approaches to the modelling and control of flexible structures. This project will create groundbreaking mathematical tools for data-driven modelling and control of partial differential equations, which will be efficient in practice and have rigorous theoretical foundations. It is envisioned that the project will combine ideas from a broad range of disciplines, including machine learning, control theory, PDE analysis, and randomized algorithms.
Contact: Prof. Enrique Zuazua and Prof. Giovanni Fantuzzi.
Announcement: Application information
ID: DPS-Job-4
Position: PhD position in Data-Driven Control of Fluids
University: Imperial College London, UK
Department: Department of Aeronautics
Deadline: January 2nd, 2023
Description: Applications are invited for a Research Assistant (PhD Studentship) in the Department of Aeronautics in the general area of data-driven modelling and nonlinear control of fluid structure interactions. The post (36 months) is funded by the UKRI as part of Imperial College’s role as Associate Partner in the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Doctoral-Training-Network (DTN) “ModConFlex”.
Contact: Informal enquiries can be made to Dr Andrew Wynn:
For queries relating to the recruitment process contact: Lisa Kelly:
Announcement: Application information
ID: DPS-Job-3
Position: PhD positions in control of DPS/PDEs (4 topics)
University: University of Sheffield, UK
Department: Department of Automatic Control and Systems Engineering
Deadline: January 15th, 2023
Description: Department of Automatic Control and Systems Engineering of the University of Sheffield is looking for outstanding candidates to pursue a PhD in one of the following topics: Robust control of distributed parameter systems, Control of multi-agent systems using continuum mechanics modelling, Delay-induced stabilisation of dynamical systems, Macroscopic traffic control and optimisation
Contact: Dr Anton Selivanov at a.selivanov (a)
Announcement: Application information
ID: DPS-Job-2
Position: Assistant Professor (tenure track) in Automatic Control
University: Aalto University, Helsinki, Finland
Department: Electrical Engineering and Automation
Deadline: January 8th, 2023
Description: We seek control experts over a broad range of topics including modeling of dynamical systems, control theory, optimal control, and cyber-physical systems. Our research and education in control engineering includes both theoretical and engineering-oriented activities within the department research focus areas. Strong application areas include robotics, autonomous systems, electrical and mechanical engineering, and energy technologies.
Contact: See the call link
Announcement: Application information
ID: DPS-Job-1
Position: PhD position
University: FAU Erlangen, Germany
Department: Department of Mathematics
Deadline: August 31st, 2022
Description: Mathematical Modelling, Simulation and Optimization Using the Example of Gas Networks
Contact: Prof. Zuazua and Prof. Hante
Announcement: Application information